【2022 International Conference on Food Futures】

We are excited to announce that the 2022 International Conference on Food Futures will be held on 31st August to 4th September, 2022 in a hybrid format in Taiwan. The venue of the conference will be in National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei. Please stay tuned, and we will announce the virtual link soon!
The conference features pre-conference workshops, keynote and plenary speeches, roundtables, and panels by scholars from Taiwan, Europe, the U.S., Australia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands.
中山大學主辦2022 糧食未來國際研討會將於2022年8月31日至9月4日,於國立臺灣科學教育館舉行。本次會議採實體與線上進行,連結將於日後公布,敬請持續關注。
Please mark your calendar and join us in person or virtually for the intellectual feast!



For more information and updates, please visit our website:


獲科技部人社中心經費補助之”植物生態文學研究”研讀班110-2第四場活動,即將於6月25日(週六)上午10:00-11:15舉行,研讀主題為 “Nature and Victorian Imperialism: Robert Swinhoe and His Discovery of Formosa Plants”,導讀人為國立臺灣師範大學英語學系林秀玲助理教授,主持人為國立臺灣師範大學英語學系梁一萍教授,歡迎踴躍參加。
※會議連結: https://meet.google.com/dbv-wueh-jpn【活動時間】: 6/25(六)10:00-11:15

【研讀主題】:Nature and Victorian Imperialism: Robert Swinhoe and His Discovery of Formosa Plants
【主講人】:  林秀玲   ( 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系助理教授 )



獲科技部人社中心經費補助之”植物生態批評”研讀班110-2第三場活動,即將於5月21日(週六)上午14:00-16:00舉行,研讀主題為 “從跨族裔談起:《野草花》之日美遷徙營敘述和「新墾民」身份建構與生態批評”,導讀人為致理科技大學應用英語系常丹楓助理教授,主持人為國立政治大學英國語文學系許立欣副教授,歡迎踴躍參加。
※會議連結: https://meet.google.com/dbv-wueh-jpn【活動時間】: 5/21(六)14:00-16:00

【主講人】:  常丹楓   ( 致理科技大學應用英語系助理教授 )



獲科技部人社中心經費補助之”植物生態批評”研讀班110-2第二場活動,即將於4月23日(週六)上午10:00-13:00舉行,研讀主題為 “Four Women in the Woods: An Ecofeminist Reading of Theatrical Heroines” ,導讀人為東吳大學英文系Catherine Diamond教授,以及 “The Intersection of Sentient Beings and Species, Traditional and Modern, in the Practices and Doctrine of Dharma Drum Mountain”,導讀人為國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心博士後研究員Dr. Jeffrey Nicolaisen,主持人為國立臺灣大學外國語文學系暨研究所吳雅鳳教授,歡迎踴躍報名參加。
※此次活動在 國立臺灣師範大學英語系誠七樓第三會議室進行
【活動時間】: 4/23(六)10:00-13:00
【報名網址】:https://forms.gle/SP8WVcG2hL463xVt9【研讀主題1】:  Four Women in the Woods: An Ecofeminist Reading of Theatrical Heroines

【主講人】:  Catherine Diamond   ( 東吳大學英文系教授 )
【研讀主題2】:  The Intersection of Sentient Beings and Species, Traditional and Modern, in the Practices and Doctrine of Dharma Drum Mountain
【主講人】: Jeffrey Nicolaisen    (國立陽明交通大學 文化研究國際中心博士後研究員  )
Nicolaisen, Jeffrey. “The Intersection of Sentient Beings and Species, Traditional and Modern, in the Practices and Doctrine of Dharma Drum Mountain.” Chinese Environmental Humanities: Practices of Environing at the Margins, edited by Chia Ju Chang, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 289-308.

110-2 研讀班第一場活動

獲科技部人社中心經費補助之”植物生態批評”研讀班110-2第一場活動,即將於3月12日(週六)下午2:00-5:00舉行,研讀主題為「  蕨類狂熱:英國採集瘋與太平洋樂園 」,導讀人為國立臺灣大學外文系吳雅鳳教授,以及「  紀錄片–重返杜鵑窩」,導讀人為國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所邱剛彥副教授,主持人為國立台灣師範大學英語系梁一萍教授,歡迎踴躍報名參加。


【活動時間】: 3/12(六)14:00-17:00

【研讀主題1】:  蕨類狂熱:英國採集瘋與太平洋樂園

【主講人】: 吳雅鳳 (國立臺灣大學外國語文學系暨研究所教授)
【研讀主題2】:  紀錄片–重返杜鵑窩
【主講人】:邱剛彥  (國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所副教授)
Duggins, Molly. “‘The world’s fernery’: New Zealand, fern albums, and nineteenth century fern fever.” New Zealand’s empire, edited by Katie Pickles and Catharine Coleborne, Manchester University press, 2015, pp.102-123.


獲科技部人社中心經費補助之”植物生態文學”研讀班第二場活動,即將於11月13日(週六)上午10:00-12:00線上舉行,研讀主題為「  木麻黃與植物的不可測量性    」。導讀人為金門大學應用英語學系吳唯邦副教授,主持人為國立政治大學英語學系許立欣副教授  。歡迎踴躍報名參加。

※此次在google meet上進行線上讀書會,將於11/12寄會議連結給報名者。
【活動時間】: 11/13(六)10:00-12:00

閱讀文本:On Nonscalability: The Living World Is Not Amenable to Precision-Nested Scales
  安清(Anna Tsing)的「不可測量性」(nonscalability)相關理論說明在謀求進步無止境的世界構建(world-making)進程中,規模化(scalability)強調高度精密,推展出統一規格、完全量化的產能擴充模式。這種高度支配的生產模式以規格管理為設計原型,排除自然界異質生命的生成與演進。規模化精密生產以犧牲多物種關係及控制生命變化為代價,使人類透過計畫程序,高速擴張規模、佔領、殖民。在各種擴張計畫之後,人類造成的廢墟(anthropogenic ruins)成為遺留的副產品。荒蕪之中,形態迥異且無法測量(nonscalable)的多物種群體卻能再生滋長共衍的空間。
  本次演講引用清氏理論,旨在闡述金門木麻黃如何體現環境變動力,在人為廢區中發揮轉換作用,成為戰後重建的基本物質。1950冷戰時期,軍事設施和無處不在的木麻黃成為金門的日常風景。1990逐步解除戒嚴後,木麻黃連同軍事基地規模急劇縮小。我強調木麻黃於時空轉變之間的跨規模效應,曾經數量龐大的木麻黃依然潛伏在小島四處,成為轉化金門人文地景的自然力,並持續改變金門生態。本次演講研讀吳鈞堯的《金門》(2002)、《三位樹朋友》 (2010)、《熱圖地》(2014)等作品,我認為木麻黃觸及金門的生態、地景、社會、人文,每棵木麻黃的生命都與金門居民的生活相融,木麻黃與金門人互連伴生,成為植物無法測量性的另一種面相。




預計出刊:2023 6


本專輯嘗試從新物質主義、生物學理論、醫學/療和生態論述等視角介入文學研究,重新審視生命、生物、健康、疾病(包括瘟疫、流感和新興病毒感染)的變動與新探究如何帶出(後)人文研究於當代的省思與遞變。論文截稿期限為2022 7 31 ,稿件請逕以電郵寄至《中外文學》信箱:chungwai@ntu.edu.tw相關投稿規定與體例,請參《中外文學》網站




除了抒寫蝴蝶,作家潛心著墨於觀察者的觀探工具、感知器官和感官經驗的描寫。如劉克襄一語道破,《蝶道》不僅探索一隻蝴蝶具體軀殼之外的最大定義,同時 ,它也“啓發我們內外關照、省思,進入肉身心境的流轉。





【主講人】張嘉如 (紐約市立大學布魯克林學院現代語言文學系教授)

【主持人】張雅蘭 (國立臺東大學英美語文學系副教授)

【時間】20211015 (下午14:0015:30









E-mail: ealataiwan@gmail.com


Call for Papers:”EcoGothic Asia: Nature, Asia, and the Gothic Imagination”


“EcoGothic Asia: Nature, Asia, and the Gothic Imagination”

Guest Editor: Associate Professor Li-hsin Hsu

Since the emergence of modernity, the perceived eastern emphasis on the harmony between humanity and nature has been profoundly challenged and reshaped by the process of industrialization. Asia as a geo-poetic imaginary and a geo-political locus of both utopic imagination and dystopic anxiety in literature – both non-Asian and Asian – magnifies, problematizes, or sometimes accelerates such a disquieting and polarized projection. The “EcoGothic”, as an interdisciplinary approach that investigates the intersection between the ecological and the Gothic imagination, provides a useful epistemological and methodological tool to rethink how aesthetics, philosophical thoughts and social-cultural or environmental discourses in (or about) the Asian / Pacific region complicate our understanding of human-nonhuman interactions.

We invite submissions for a special issue of SARE to explore the enmeshed human-nonhuman relationship by examining the interconnectedness between the natural, the supernatural or the unnatural, the diseased,  (dis)possessed and contagious bodies – human or nonhuman – the haunted as well as haunting landscapes, and the terrifying or monstrous flora and fauna in literature in or about Asia. We ask how the EcoGothic imagination in (or about) Asia conceptualizes or addresses the notion of human-nature co-existence or the precarious state of human-nonhuman (dis)harmony. How does reading literatures of ecological crises, disasters, or extinctions help us reimagine Asia as a heterogeneous geography, both symbolically and in reality? In an age of the Anthropocene, how are our perceptions of human-nonhuman interactions redefined by the COVID-19 pandemic or other environmental/ecological crises? How does local knowledge address global issues in the environmental humanities from or about this region?

Submissions might consider how recent theories of ecologies, technologies, philosophies or sociologies might renew our ways of reading literature about human-nonhuman interactions in our time. Papers might also consider how the notion of Asia is represented or reconfigured in relation to contemporary events or interdisciplinary approaches and narratives, or how reading environmental works, both Asian and non-Asian, might assist our understanding of the EcoGothic as a multifaceted concept in refreshing directions.

Topics might include, but are not limited to:

Asia and the (un)natural / supernatural

Transcultural / Transpacific Gothic

The Gothic and Orientalism

Gothic gardens and tropical wildlife

Volcanic islands and vengeful oceans

Aliens, monsters, or ghosts / spirits in an Asian context

The inhuman, transhuman, anti-human, more-than-human / posthuman

Apocalyptic / dystopic imagination and the (non)Asian other

Deserted rural areas and haunted urban landscapes

Indigeneity and environmental injustice

Invasive species and regional Gothic

Disorder / excess / transgression in nature

Diseases and extinction

Bodily contagion and dis / trans-figuration

Migration, displacement and (im)mobility

Fear of the nonhuman world and / or the wilderness

Ecological crises and race / gender / class (in)equality

Strange natures and queer ecologies

This SARE special issue invites papers, of between 5000 and 7000 words, that address, but need not be limited to, the above questions.

Abstracts of 200 words (maximum), along with a 50-word author bio, are to be emailed to The Editor, SARE at sare@um.edu.my, with a copy to the Guest Editor at johsu@mail2.nccu.tw, by 15 November 2021.

Decisions will be sent out by 30 November 2021.

The deadline for the submission of full papers is 1 March 2022.  Submissions should be in English and uploaded to the SARE website through the “Make a Submission” portal at https://sare.um.edu.my.

Further submission guidelines can be found on our website.

Publication date: July 2022

If you have any questions related to the special issue, please direct your inquiries to The Editor, SARE at sare@um.edu.my.