【2022 International Conference on Food Futures】

We are excited to announce that the 2022 International Conference on Food Futures will be held on 31st August to 4th September, 2022 in a hybrid format in Taiwan. The venue of the conference will be in National Taiwan Science Education Center, Taipei. Please stay tuned, and we will announce the virtual link soon!

The conference features pre-conference workshops, keynote and plenary speeches, roundtables, and panels by scholars from Taiwan, Europe, the U.S., Australia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands.中山大學主辦2022 糧食未來國際研討會將於2022年8月31日至9月4日,於國立臺灣科學教育館舉行。本次會議採實體與線上進行,連結將於日後公布,敬請持續關注。本次國際研討會有來自台灣、歐洲、美國、澳洲、非洲、太平洋島嶼學者參與,包含會前工作坊、會前新書發表、主題演講、專題演講、圓桌論壇以及論文發表,精彩可期,敬邀蒞臨指導。
Please mark your calendar and join us in person or virtually for the intellectual feast!實體及線上會議同步進行,敬邀各界先進共襄盛舉。


For more information and updates, please visit our website: 會議詳情及最新資訊,敬請至會議官方網站查詢:http://2022foodfutures.nsysu.edu.tw/