
Decolonizing the Earth: Ecocritical Pedagogy Talk Series
Prof. Anthony Lioi (李歐尼), the Juilliard School (茱莉亞音樂學院)
題目:Keywords in Ecocriticism: Teaching across the Environmental Humanities (生態批評的關鍵詞:跨環境人文學科的教學)
日期:11月14號 (星期一),10 pm -11:30 pm (線上和實體),Woody Tanger Auditorium, BCF Library
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Passcode: 475224


What is ecocriticism? How can we decolonize the earth—or at least question human treatment of the planet—with ecocriticism? What disciplines can the ecocritical toolkit be applied to? What are the main keywords, concepts, approaches, theories or branches? Come join us for this eco-talk lecture and discussion series. This particular series focuses on pedagogy, which aims to introduce the field of ecocriticism to colleagues in Humanities and Social Sciences, who wish to incorporate ecocriticism (and its sister disciplines such as ecofeminism, critical animal/plant/multispecies studies, the Anthropocene Studies, etc.) into their curricula. In a dialogic spirit, we also invite speakers to provide perspective on how different disciplines help decolonize ecocriticism.