
August 22, 2024 / Highlights, Latest News

【學術演講】Professor Scott Slovic, “Emotion and Meaning in the Anthropocene: The Discourse of Warning and the Challenge of Poignancy” (Tamkang University)

Psychologists have learned in recent decades that there are various cognitive reasons for our collective inaction in the face of…
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June 23, 2024 / Highlights, Latest News

【學術演講】9/12 Online/Physical Lecture: Literary Nature Writing and the More-Than-Human Garden(中研院歐美所Farm for Change主辦)

演講主題Literary Nature Writing and the More-Than-Human Garden Ÿ 講者:Jessica J. Lee (李潔珂)|Course Director and Panel Tutor, Creative Writing-Nonfiction, University of…
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June 23, 2024 / Highlights, Latest News

【學術演講】8/20 Online Speech: Atmospheric Sensorium (中研院歐美所Farm for Change主辦)

演講主題Atmospheric Sensorium Ÿ 主講:Hsuan L. Hsu|Professor of English, UC Davis|Author of Air Conditioning(2024)Ÿ 主持:陳宥廷|中興大學外國語文學系助理教授Ÿ 引言:周序樺|中央研究院歐美研究所副研究員Ÿ 時間:2024年8月20日(二)09:00~11:00Ÿ 地點:Webex線上會議直播 主題簡介This presentation will…
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March 22, 2024 / Highlights, Latest News


第十二屆海峽兩岸生態文學研討會暨後人類語境下的生態批評與生態文學研討會 福建·廈門,2024年10月 自第一屆海峽兩岸生態文學研討會於2011年由廈門大學舉辦以來,中興大學(台灣)、山東大學、中山大學(台灣)、南京大學、中國人民大學、台灣大學(台灣)、廣東外語外貿大學、蘇州大學、淡江大學(台灣)、西安外國語大學等兩岸著名高校成功舉辦了十一屆盛會,為兩岸學者共同探討生態文學和生態文明提供了對話平台,促進了海峽兩岸的學術交流。第十二屆海峽兩岸生態文學研討會將會回到其創始地廈門,由集美大學舉辦。為研討海峽兩岸生態文學和生態批評研究的在後人類語境中的新動態,建構和解讀中西經典文學和影像中的生態思想,進一步探索新世紀生態批評研究的新路徑與新動向,集美大學文法學院、集美大學後人類文化研究院、中華美學學會生態美學專業委員會,擬於2024年10月中旬舉辦第十二屆海峽兩岸生態文學研討會。我們誠邀您惠賜大作,主要議題包括但不限於:1, 後人類狀態與生態批評2, 新世紀生態文學和生態電影研究3, 海洋生態文學與影像研究4, 生生美學與生態美學5, 其他相關議題期刊支持:天津社會科學、南京社會科學、廣州大學學報、藝術評論、集美大學學報
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December 18, 2023 / Highlights

【Call for Papers】The 8th International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia (ISLE-EA)

Environmental Disasters and Disgust in the Planetary Crisis: Imagining Ecological Healing October 11-13, 2024Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea The Association…
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December 18, 2023 / Highlights, Latest News

【Call for Papers】【Update: Deadline for proposals has been extended to February 2, 2024】ASLE 2024 Symposium “Green Fire: Energy Stories Beyond Extraction”

ASLE 2024 Symposium: Green Fire University of North Florida May 16-19, 2024 Green Fire: Energy Stories Beyond Extraction Call for…
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December 18, 2023 / Highlights, Latest News


由於Professor Scott Slovic近期身體不適,明日淡江大學講座臨時取消,造成不便敬請見諒,還請大家繼續關注ASLE-Taiwan的活動。
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December 11, 2023 / Highlights, Latest News

【學術演講】Professor Scott Slovic, “Waking Up to the Dreaming Trees: Implications of Arboreal Sentience for Ecocriticism”

Many societies throughout the world have demonstrated a willingness to sacrifice forests in pursuit of economic development. However, there is…
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December 11, 2023 / Highlights, Latest News

【學術演講】Professor Scott Slovic, “Emotion and Meaning in the Anthropocene”

Psychologists have learned in recent decades that there are various cognitive reasons for our collective inaction in the face of…
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ASLE-Taiwan is the Taiwan chapter of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment. Founded in 2000, ASLE-Taiwan is devoted to the trans-disciplinary study of literature and environment. An active member of the global ASLE network, it has participated in regional conferences in Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Europe, and the US. In addition, it features the annual Cross-Strait Symposium on Literature and Environment to promote exchange and collaboration with mainland scholars. It is our aim to further the research of ecocritical study of literature and environement.


ASLE members in a hiking trip

Sunset at Tamsui

Located in the north cost of Taiwan, Tamsui is  renowned for it’s amazing sunset.

Photo credit: Ju-ying Vinia Huang

Dr. YaoFu Lin

Dr. Yaofu Lin is the founder of ASLE-Taiwan, as well as the honorary president.

Photo credit: Ju-ying Vinia Huang

A House in the Mountains

Located in the subtropical Zone, Taiwan is known for its lush environment. The house in the mountains presents an ideal dwelling in harmony with nature.

Photo credit: Ju-ying Vinia